Doctors reject the unemployment legislationThis is why.....96 of 100 Signatures
say reject this legislationThis is a bad deal.501 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Kristy A.
1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jane S.
fdgljkhfglkjhlkjfhdgldkjfhglkh3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kristy A.
Keep Cumbrian Coal in the Hole (its too near Sellafield!)What Opponents are Saying: "If this mine were to go ahead and the coal that is now safely underground in the custody of Cumbria County Council were to end up as CO2 in the atmosphere, there would be a serious risk of climate change impacts including some thousands of deaths extending long into the future. The mine could also result in global loss of livelihoods and homes numbering many times greater than the jobs created in Cumbria." Laurie Michaelis. ( He was a Lead Author or Convening Lead Author on several IPCC reports, including the Special Report on Emission Scenarios). "Disturbance of nesting seabirds during construction and operation... The development has the potential to have an adverse effect upon the St Bees Head SSSI through disturbance to both breeding and wintering birds during construction and operation." RSPB “ little supporting information appears to have been provided by the applicant regarding the excavation of the new drifts" National Trust “It is clear that this is a very large mine, with a very long life span…of 20-50 years and a peak of 2.8 million tonnes a year. Assuming a 40 year life (following construction), and an average of 2 million tonnes a year, that is a total production of 80 million tonnes, which will emit around 175 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. The level of emissions and proposed life-time of the mine is of major concern….We would also query whether or not there has been robust enough analysis of the potential for seismicity (and subsidence) relating to well-known nuclear facilities in the wider area, including Sellafield and proposed new facility at Moorside? What potential is there for seismicity to effect these and other facilities (including the low level waste repository at Drigg) and the possible high level waste radioactive waste facility which has been proposed in West Cumbria for some time.” Friends of the Earth "The mining company’s aspiration is that scarce investment funding will come from Cumbria’s Local Enterprise Partnership. I will be very interested to understand the business justification for any such investment.” Graham Vincent, Portfolio Holder for Economy, South Lakeland District Council “The application should be rejected because it is not in the national interest. From reviewing the documents submitted by West Cumbria Mining it is clear that the intention is to export the coal to Europe and Asia…The application to mine is too close to the Sellafield nuclear site and the proposal for another nuclear power station at Moorside. Underground mining can have a significant impact on the surrounding areas, recently a coking coal mine in Russia triggered an earthquake.” Coal Action Network "There are significant risks of subsidence offshore, where there are known to be layers of chemical and radioactive pollution on the sea bed. The application addresses this by extracting only a significant distance off shore, and pumping mining waste back into the voids which it is claimed will reduce the subsidence risk. a. Toxic substances disturbed by subsidence would move freely through the marine environment and there could be no way of preventing adverse impacts in protected areas, and to fish and other marine organisms. One impact which can bring the reality of the risk home to us, is that the percentage of multi-wintering salmon returning to Cumbrian rivers has reduced from 25% to 2-3%. All the rest die at sea. Our river salmon populations are plummeting, and have been described as an extinction event, and it is due to changes in the marine ecology and environment." Mrs Maggie Mason BA(Arch) Dip TP "As I understand it, the sole justification from a sustainability point of view is that the extracted coal will be coking coal, not thermal coal (for use in power stations), with some preposterous notion that this will apparently produce a lower carbon footprint than coking coal imported from other countries. Yet so far as I can tell, no detailed lifecycle analysis, both direct and indirect, has been done by West Cumbria Mining, so why would anyone swallow that particular pile of coking crap?" Jonathon Porritt "Given that this coal mine would extend to just 8km from Sellafield's high level radioactive wastes it is incumbent on Cumbria County Council to remember that the precautionary principle is at the heart of Environmental Law in the UK. A good reason to invoke the precautionary. principle is the possibility of liquefaction at Sellafield resulting from earthquakes in the West Cumbria area as described in a recent scientific paper by Martin Cross, Anass Attya, David J. A. Evans : The susceptibility of glacigenic deposits to liquefaction under seismic loading conditions: a case study relating to nuclear site characterization in West Cumbria". Keep Cumbrian Coal in the Hole, a Radiation Free Lakeland campaign We ask that Cumbria County Council listen to these serious objections and take on board the fact that the Environment Agency, the Coal Authority and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds continue to state that insufficient evidence has been provided by the developers. We urge Cumbria County Council to refuse West Cumbria Mining's planning application for the first deep coal mine in the UK for 30 years.10,013 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Kristy A.
dfglkjbbjkblkjb1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kristy A.
5 of 100 Signatures
title: Wrightwhy9 of 100 Signatures
sdfsddsfdfsdfsdfsd1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kristy A.
do i see this petition?kjbgkfbkdjbfgdfjbg1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kristy A.
skjbklbkjblkjbkljb9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kristy A.
It's a new moderation queue & it's great!exciting!!!17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kristy A.
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